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Under his arm, he carried a tubelike roll of papers.
I never could sleep in one of those tubelike contraptions.
Two men lifted a long, heavy, tubelike object into the boat.
The only thing I want from the bag is a black tubelike device about so long."
A hand came through the hole in the door and flung a tubelike object into the outer room.
But he was ready and fired before I did with the tubelike weapon concealed in his palm.
Surgeons use a tubelike instrument that causes very little tissue damage, and patients go home the same day.
She had no idea how to turn flat cloth into the tubelike garment in the picture the raiders showed her.
We passed down a long glittering corridor that coiled tubelike around the entire building.
Three to twelve small tubelike flowers arise along stalks up to 3.7 cm long.
The escape compartment was a tubelike chamber built right into the hull of the submarine.
He held the tubelike device out to Adams.
He vanished into a room with a huge tubelike chamber, the size of a coffin for a dolphin.
According to custom, only men are allowed to play or even touch the long, tubelike wind instrument that is traditional among the Aborigines.
The dock was a tubelike affair open at each end, as though a missile had passed cleanly through the rim.
Four men were out to capture The Condor in his tubelike nest.
Some lateral transfer aids are tubelike, whereas others act like a pair of slick sheets.
He moves on to short jackets and flared skirts, the tubelike foundation showing as a blouse.
Shading my eyes against the dazzle, I watched him raise the bulky, tubelike thing to his shoulder.
She held up a tubelike light.
It was composed of a series of wire rings connected together into a tubelike framework.
Its body was slender and tubelike, and very tall, half a meter taller than the captain.
Each section was composed of eleven tubelike habitat pods- a center tube surrounded by ten others.
Stabler, though, probably never calmed himself by imagining he was surfing inside a tubelike wave.
These tubelike cases are made of dark frass, bits of bark, and silk.