Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
The treated group also had lower blood sugar levels, on average, after a year.
Whether you have been swimming in natural or treated water.
He offered his services and treated patients free of charge.
This is not usually a problem in treated water supplies.
Do not cover the treated skin area unless your doctor has told you to.
And the treated water, though safe, may still leave something to be desired.
For the first 2 to 3 hours after treatment, take it easy and do not rub the treated area.
The real problem lies with the poor amount of treated water in which the current 34 plants cannot support future needs.
The cancer occurs within the treated area of the patient.
Continue to undertake before and after studies at treated sites.
Physical activity among the treated mice was much greater than in the control group.
You may also lose your hair in the treated area, but usually it grows back.
Getting people to accept treated salt can take time, but it is effective.
It may take up to 6 months for the skin to tighten around the treated area.
It is one of the largest treated water holding tanks in the world.
Avoid any activity that could cause a bump to the treated area for at least 2 weeks.
"Christmas became the first ritual that treated children as important people in their own right," he said.
The treated area can be sore and swollen for a couple of days.
Four treated ties would be laid for every harder one.
The treated water is given free of charge from the government to farmers which has led to much higher yields.
The treated water is injected, through a well, back into the same formation.
But after accounting for just the protein, the treated meat cost 13 percent more.
The treated animals, he said, started to flex their legs.
They can also be used to carry treated water.