This demand for parking reflects the relatively high car usage, a result of both affluence and the limited public transport provision in rural areas.
What is the nature and significance of the relationship between transport provision and economic growth?
At the local level, there has been a considerable range of approaches to public transport provision.
This chapter has provided evidence of the increasing isolation of some rural communities, particularly in terms of public transport provision.
I would also argue that they need to look at public transport provision and their overall inequality levels; some sensible package should be found.
Inadequate transport provisions for London's disabled and elderly travellers have made parts of the city a no-go zone.
On the contrary, as the pool of demand has declined, so rural public transport provision has been decimated.
This took the form of a pack with a set of leaflets on various aspects of transport provision.
My second point is that where there is competition in local public transport provision, it can lead to minimal wages and social dumping.
The proposal clearly states that its aim is to develop competition in the field of transport provision.