He would exit the race after a transmission failure on lap 10, leaving him in the 40th position.
On 8 November the grader broke down with a major transmission failure.
His debut was cut short about 15 laps early with transmission failures.
He started 22nd and was sidelined after completing 41 laps by transmission failure.
These problems can be serious (a transmission failure) or minor (a paint flaw).
He started 38th but finished 43rd due to a transmission failure on the first lap.
While running fourth in the race, Liuzzi had to retire due to a transmission failure.
The team started 22nd and was able to pass several drivers after a transmission failure left them out of the race while running 6th.
Once again, the other 787 retired following a transmission failure.
However, transmission failure forced the team to retire after 69 laps.