Kataphraktoi) which translated means roughly "covered, protected" or "armored".
"Nairukuruku" - translated means - "an entrance", probably due to its strategic location into the highlands by river and by land.
It is composed of 500 million year old ocean floor rock; its name is Mi'kmaq and literally translated means 'terrible rocks'.
The term translated means badly damaged.
Heimatschutz is a German word which literally translated means, "homeland protection."
The school motto is "age quod agis" which loosely translated means "do what you do well".
The Latin term pro bono, as most attorneys will attest, roughly translated means for boneheads and applies to work done without charge.
The name is French and literally translated means "earth apple", which in English is a potato.
The word parterre comes from the French par and terre and literally translated means "on the ground."