At the same time, he asked youths of the area to give up violence, and seek peaceful means to address their grievances.
The government took over the operation of the company and sought means by which to repay its debts.
During the first year in Calcutta, the missionaries sought means to support themselves and a place to establish their mission.
As a consequence, the rebels are seeking new means to regain the political force they have lost.
Have you sought means of bringing comfort to the people?
Since the late 19th century, the male scientific establishment has sought means to keep women "in their place."
We take every opportunity possible to reach out to the local community and seek means and mechanisms to connect to it.
Alton now sought other means for the solution to his quest.
"We're sorry that the company did not think more about millions of women who have the right to seek other means of abortion."
The number of unmarried women seeking economic means grew dramatically.