The setting sun made the tranquil surface of the water shimmer like a sheet of beaten copper.
An immense flash hammered up from the tranquil surface of the ocean, high into the atmosphere.
I visited the pond in early May, but I could see that the tranquil surface would allow a gentle spin.
People at the company know, however, that beneath her tranquil surface lurks a highly competitive player.
A half-hour later we were gliding over a salt pond's tranquil surface when a tangerine-colored moon rose up out of the Atlantic.
Many people mistake pattern for texture, yet intricate patterns are often found on smooth, tranquil surfaces.
But there are signs of dissatisfaction underneath the tranquil surface.
After all, it was during these moments, by revealing the fire he had inside, beneath the tranquil surface, that Reb became human.
A faint ripple of displeasure marred even the normally tranquil surface of Tuvok's face.
Something not quite identifiable disturbed the tranquil surface of her features, like a tiny pebble tossed into a still pond.