US grant economic assistance totals about $500 million through the end of 1970.
The increases total $1 billion in the two fiscal years from July 1992 through June 1994.
Profit totaled 6.33 billion rupees ($187 million) for the six months through Sept. 30.
In the Spanish first division alone, he totalled 329 games and 38 goals, through 13 seasons.
The bill would provide aid, totaling $18 billion through 1994, to state and local governments for construction of sewage treatment plants.
It has less than 3000 students total through the district, with the average graduation class under 200 each year.
The block grants would total $16.8 billion a year from 1996 through 2000, without any adjustment for inflation or population growth.
Spurred by network television deals that will total $18.3 billion through 2005, team values are soaring.
The grants would total $750 million next year and $3.8 billion from then through 2002.
Spending on Medicare, for example, will total roughly $1.7 trillion through 2002, by most estimates.