The listener is left with only the rhythmic and tonal patterns of the spoken words.
The tonal patterns modeled on tunes drawn from folk songs or other music.
The tonal pattern thus created is a significant element in the composition of the painting.
The tonal pattern created by the dark garment, the white linen and position of the hand is a compositional feature of the painting.
Its focus is on rhythm for drums and tonal patterns for piano.
They are distinguished by tonal pattern.
In many of these languages, the "words" have only one syllable; and syllables have a rather rich structure, including tonal patterns.
I instructed it to search for similar tonal patterns, and it produced three such examples.
In singing, the tonal pattern or the text puts some constraints on the melodic patterns.
"I've selected this tonal pattern as most likely to evoke a favorable response," the voice said.