But The Shadow was able to see their reflections in the tilted surface of a huge gold-framed mirror on the wall.
Trevor brushed off the tilted surface of Bobby's drawing table.
This upright supported a tilted surface the size of a very small table.
Since the incoming X-rays must strike the tilted surface of the mirror, the collecting area is small.
When measuring over a tilted surface, the systematic effect accumulates.
Then individuals begin to slide down its tilted surface and return to the top again.
Then its wing-tip brushed against the tilted surface.
The first image that appeared was a tilted white surface with operating instructions printed upon it.
The world was all tilted surfaces, black and lightning-white, and roar of thunder.
Only the last piece on the program, "Trajectoire," offers an image that evokes something beyond a woman, for instance, slipping on a tilted surface.