The edge was given to the M4 for its accuracy, faster rate of fire, and tighter grouping.
The input, output and power jacks were all moved to the top of the case to allow a tighter grouping on the floor, or pedal board.
The tight grouping of the majority of naysayers makes us easier to ignore.
That tight grouping of very small stars, down near the horizon.
A tight grouping between his shoulder blades.
The pod stayed with him but was having trouble negotiating the forest's tight groupings of columns.
This time the Sun and five planets (but not the Moon) will form an even tighter grouping than they did earlier in the month.
Doris, Larry, and Art were in a tight grouping, Quarded by the two marines.
He considered the prebendaries hopelessly corrupt, desperate to keep their positions, wealth and power within a tight grouping of families, held together by intermarriage.
The six vessels were now assembled in a tight grouping, firing in unison to deadly effect on the planet surface.