Citizens will also be entitled to some percentage of ownership through vouchers.
Aware of the consequences - that for now the agency would be unable to help new applicants - the board decided not to expand through vouchers.
In most cases, they help employees find child care or permit them to use part of their benefits to pay for it, although not necessarily through vouchers.
This happened, anyway - not through vouchers, but through middle-class flight brought on by worsening schools.
But he heard warnings that waging a battle to funnel taxpayer money to private schools through vouchers could endanger his plans.
Relieving overcrowding through vouchers did not appeal to him.
The laws would also push privatization in construction and management as well as finding alternative housing through subsidized vouchers.
Federal funds, distributed through states, would be provided through grants, contracts and vouchers.
"If I could get them in private school through vouchers, I would," she said.
They should get assistance through vouchers or a refundable tax credit if they cannot afford it, such insists.