Power from diesel engine to traction motors is delivered through electrical transmission.
I renewed the request with an urgent tag on it through secured transmission again this morning.
Both scholarly facts and news stories get modified through popular transmission, often to the point of outright falsehoods.
Similarly, where adults exercise a dominating influence over the growing child, it is through social transmission that children can acquire knowledge.
Later these generating plants were connected to supply civil loads through long-distance transmission.
One way that cultural inventions can be spread is through cultural transmission.
The work would have survived through oral transmission until first written down, perhaps in the 9th century.
Almost all were infected through heterosexual transmission, and a majority, he estimates, came to him with a history of sexually transmitted disease.
The art music performed on the wire-strung harp was passed down through oral transmission and much of the repertoire is likely to have been lost.
At the same time, HIV was also spreading through sexual transmission.