This short story is narrated through the perspective of a businessman.
The novel is told through the perspective of Hang, an intelligent Vietnamese woman in her early 20's.
If the player does not qualify, he must sit out the race, and instead watch it through the perspective of the featured driver.
The program examines current events through the perspective of the Catholic faith.
In a playful natural habitat, children learn about animal survival habits through the perspective of different creatures.
The story shifts between the present and flash back through the perspective of different characters.
I've enjoyed reading your struggle, Michael, to review devised work on its own terms rather than through the perspective of the sole-authored play.
The past can only be recalled through the perspective of the present (Plummer 1988).
Most of the series would be viewed through the perspective of Hellcat.
Told through the perspective of the main antagonist, Full Frontal.