And as they move through familiar solos and awkward duets with the star, the concert seems tossed together, with styles crashing into one another.
Rachel Carrillo soared and spun her way through several ground-skimming lyrical solos.
He thinks through solos on such a microscopic level that you feel hungry for more.
The scene-stealing tots grinned and cackled with delight, and two toddled through brief solos on the floor.
Sheila Anozier and Belinda Becker twisted with ease through sinuous solos.
For all the defiant silliness, there are exceptionally fine moments that accumulate through solos, duets and trios.
If he couldn't reach a high note, he shouted it; his guitar clawed out its riffs and snarled through solos.
He has been known to bluster through solos, but when he is at his best, his playing becomes triumphantly volatile.
They are also distinct human characters, delineated through solos and relationships.
Individual dancers fling themselves through spastic solos.