"We will fight them through sit-ins and peaceful protests because we cannot match their military might."
Through petitions and protests, the group pressured lawmakers into repealing the raise in November.
Through public protests, Chidambaram's imprisonment is reduced to 6 years, and he gets released.
Environmental campaigners constantly try to bring their cause to the attention of a wider public through protests, marches and debate.
Peace Action's goal is to organize the nation around issues of peace and justice through protests, congressional action, and lobby days.
The essay also argued against the movement's focus on trying to get media attention through protests.
Forum for Democracy declares that the only solution of the crisis is through protests against the government.
This has not, however, prevented women from trying to make their voices heard through strikes and peaceful protests.
The union said, however, it would expand efforts to pressure the company through protests and other actions.
Construction on other projects has also been delayed, mostly through protests by area residents.