Through their poetry, prose, music, and vignettes, the group gave a voice to a community often silenced, while offering performances that reflected the universal.
The book depicts the life of Abeita through prose and poetry.
Through vivid and entertaining prose she gave thoughtful and intelligent commentary on many of the issues of the day.
Unlike picture books for beginning readers, a chapter book tells the story primarily through prose, rather than pictures.
The finished game presents some of the story through evocative prose.
The book follows in Reed's long history of inciting laughter and tears in her readers through provocative prose.
Put off by the thought of plowing through prose dense with studdingsails and carronades, I resisted for months.
The ad that changed the automobile advertising world did so through sweeping prose and lack of detail about the car itself.
Diamond Grill is told through both prose and poetry and utilizes a first person narrative.
But to view them through such uncertain prose is like the literary equivalent of watching a Mexican soap opera.