One of the most powerful and universal ways human beings deal with being unacknowledged, unconscious thoughts and feelings is through projection.
Its story tells of a quadriplegic space traveler who can only travel through astral projection.
McCauley would often shout orders at them through holographic projection, thereby telegraphing their moves to their opponents.
Through projection, arrangements were made to inflict these penalties on the offending minds in their new future bodies - and sometimes forced reëxchanges were effected.
The film focuses on the recording of The Reminder as well as the development of the tour through puppetry and projection.
It can be reached through astral projection while sleeping.
People who describe the records assert that they are constantly updated automatically, and that they can be accessed through astral projection or under deep hypnosis.
For another thing, even most projections that do fall into those categories are not naturally attainable through physical projection.
A massive figure, he takes his time to display his power and conquers through projection and commitment.
Wild orgies and love spells through empathic projection.