The couple communicate through fragmentary sentences and written phrases using the Chinese characters their languages share.
It was written in a personal code mother and daughter had used and refined for years, one that conveyed meaning through idle phrases of chitchat.
His solos have a clear sense of organization, starting a new idea in each chorus and developing it through leisurely call-and-response phrases.
Today the concept has found its way into popular culture through well known phrases like "baby boomer" and "Generation X".
It wasn't so difficult to cut through all the fancy and pompous phrases to the core.
The game then shows one word or phrase, and then cycles through other phrases which the players must match.
As we have seen already, however, boys do denigrate girls through such phrases as:
And the dancers, all of them women, certainly moved with great strength through choreographic phrases that were rhythmically strong and precisely measured.
It proceeds through regular phrases, whose pacing, especially in slow movements, often suggests the rhythm of unconscious breathing.
Thoughts must sometimes be portrayed through feelings or simple phrases rather than through conversation.