Instead, adherents first tried to reason with Communist Party rulers through letters and petitions.
He said his personal preference was to get on the ballot through petitions.
He would support initiative and referendum, allowing citizens to place legislative proposals on the ballot through petitions.
A fourth candidate, Evan Davis, dropped out of the voting here but said he would try to get on the ballot through petitions.
Through petitions and protests, the group pressured lawmakers into repealing the raise in November.
Ordinary Chinese have protested through letters and petitions to the Government.
The campaign attracted the support of over 100,000 local people through petitions, protests, publicity and lobbying at a local and national level.
Under state law, a citizens group can trigger a referendum through signed petitions.
And just like Amendment 37, which clawed its way onto the ballot through petitions, what happened on the campus came from the bottom up.
Since the process was established in 1929, 13 candidates have obtained a place on the ballot through petitions, and two of them won election to the board.