In addition to the big integrated oil companies among this year's Dogs, DuPont has a big oil exposure, through its big stake in Conoco.
According to the Forbes 400 list in 2008, he is the 49th richest person in the United States, through his $6.5 billion stake in the company.
The Pisani family through its stake in IHI owns 100% of the company.
Telecom Egypt also offers mobile services through its stake in Vodafone Egypt.
Cut through all that, and Lord Black's stake in Hollinger International was just 15 percent.
Mr. Malone, who himself controls 17.8 percent of Tele-Communications' vote through his stake, is exploring how he or the company might buy it.
"Lord Black has so much power through his controlling stake that maybe he can get away with it," one executive said.
Through his controlling stake in the Daily Mail & General Trust, Rothermere is enjoying the benefits of increased profitability resulting from the papers' lower cost base.
Tele-Communications, through its stake in Turner, would end up with an 8 percent stake in Time Warner.
On our last trip, Marjorie went through her stake very early in the evening.