He believes it is a point of principle to see through his role and does not want any further remuneration.
He walked through his role, yawning and refusing to sing any of it.
The Senate rushed to conclude the proceeding, without thinking through its own role.
He was already suffering from Alzheimer's disease and had to be gently coached through his role in the film.
But her security comes through her role as a former first lady.
Wood made an indelible contribution to the suburb through his role at the church.
Also, the father can influence the view of gender stereotypes through their role in the home.
Through their role as money-lenders, the Jews took an important position in the city's economy.
A woman's dignity and mystery are revealed through her role as a mother, which need not be understood in a strictly physical sense.
If people can get exposure through their role in supporting Bush, more power to them.