I pushed through his officers and stood before him.
The captain's trouble was his insistence on routing commands through his officers, keeping them involved.
He understood the ripple of shock that ran through his officers.
But Parliament also took account of the fact that the Crown can only act through its officers or servants.
The British received him courteously, and each captain, through their officers, offered the other any assistance and needed supplies.
All through the night, Weidling and his senior officers struggled to make some sort of sense of the shambles that had been forced upon them.
Without another word, Picard strode through his senior officers and stepped onto the bridge.
A local authority, although a separate entity, operates through its members, its officers and other employees.
He was a short, supercilious little man with a cold eye and a way of looking through his junior officers instead of at them.
But if a receiver has been appointed by the court, the court's leave must be obtained, for it is then in possession through its officers.