She sipped again, her mind working quickly now, picking its way through obstacles and traps.
In the first example, the character has worked his way through obstacles to the point where he can see some sort of victory ahead.
With tennis players who play every week, he said, "you don't have the luxury of just pushing yourself through certain obstacles."
It is also possible for players to fall off the tracks when driving through jumps or similar obstacles.
She is more inclined to try to ram her way through obstacles.
Too bad the smoke had dissipated so she could no longer phase them through solid obstacles.
Teams rarely make the jump from bad to good without suffering through these bumps and obstacles.
As the story goes on, the family goes through many hardships and obstacles in life.
Red Ranger, has the power to walk through enemies and obstacles.
She is not always the most positive person, but manages to get through obstacles with an attitude.