Toni had noticed an older woman, slightly humped over with the beginnings of osteoporosis, making her way through the crooked stones and monuments.
Despite this, the department has a rich history and maintains evidence of it through beautiful colonial architecture and archeological monuments.
The dynasty of Lagash, though omitted from the king list, is well attested through several important monuments and many archaeological finds.
Throughout Roman history, there was an emphasis on increasing the fame and glory of a family name, often through monuments commemorating the deceased.
Like an ant among elephants, she threaded her way through monuments.
"4,000 years ago, societies began to express themselves through myth, maths and monuments."
She argued that the spirit of a place should be captured through its people not through monuments.
"How can we be punching multimillion-dollar roads through monuments, when the center of the city is not growing?"
Pered led the mages through monuments ranging from the blandly functional to the frankly bizarre.
Each park has its individual character which reflects through various monuments and their individual history.