Some highway operators are trying to exploit such cable networks through leases with telecommunications companies.
He kept the Market alive in dark times for farmers' markets, doing nearly all business on handshake deals rather than through formal leases.
These changes will increase transparency within the rules and prevent a loophole that allows for off-balance-sheet financing through leases.
The line became part of the Pennsylvania Railroad through leases and mergers.
The city has private companies operating many of its properties, like its seaplane base, through leases.
Customers who have the cars, which are available through leases, have been asked to return them immediately.
Through leases, mergers, and takeovers, the line eventually became part of Conrail in 1976.
"These aren't fleet sales; they're retail sales being financed through leases," he said.
What's new is the actual physical presence of the nonprofits in Broadway theaters, through long-term leases or outright ownership.
These companies became part of the Pennsylvania Railroad through leases and mergers.