British policy was to rule indirectly through African leaders.
For the last five weeks I have been traveling through the Middle East, meeting diplomats, officials, policy experts, military leaders, students and ordinary citizens.
A man of means could control Boston through a few key politicians and civic leaders.
Astarte increases access to reproductive health services through strengthening leaders in communities burdened by crisis around the world.
We stay involved with the community through community organizations, neighborhoods, and local, regional, and national political leaders.
During this period, the colonial government favored indirect rule, which allowed the British to govern through indigenous leaders.
Some can be mediated through tribal leaders or referred to social service agencies.
Not through leaders in the republics, who allied with him against Moscow's ministries but are now turning against him.
Those years testified the fact that theological education work was mobile, shared for management through qualified leaders, regardless of geographical distance.
Early in the morning, the opposition council relayed a message to Gaddafi's forces in the city through local tribal leaders.