In Hero's descriptions, water pushed air through musical instruments to make sounds.
Children experience the joy of making music through song, games, dance and instruments.
As a result, banks have to raise funds through instruments that offer higher interest payments.
We knew that Mars was dying, see, and saw the fertility of the earth through powerful instruments.
Consider also that the pressure is normally known through instruments (barometers) near the ground/sea level.
On the other hand, however, it is always very important to assess whether the same effect might not be achieved through existing applicable instruments.
All of these aspects have been addressed after a fashion or will be in the near future through directives, action plans and other instruments.
The Commission intends to follow up these issues through existing instruments and in cooperation with other donors.
The Commission promotes awareness of consumer rights through various instruments.
They didn't know how that was handled, though there were ways to step a long-distance call through multiple instruments.