Inversion therapy is useful for temporary back relief due to the traction method or spreading of the vertebrae through (in this case) gravity.
Due to its higher elevation, very limited areas flow through gravity into Bara river.
This flooring extends throughout the house to provide heat through gravity, eliminating the need for the radiators that Wright abhorred.
The underlying structure can still be explored through magnetic, gravity and seismic geophysical measurements.
This held that there was another universe that was related to our own only through gravity.
The weight of the water then pulls the wheel downward through gravity.
There is a theory of a Shadow Matter universe, related to our own only through gravity.
In addition, the force of falling water through gravity helps generate hydroelectric power.
These particles would exert a force on other matter through gravity but would otherwise be completely inert.
Aqueducts moved water through gravity alone, being constructed along a slight downward gradient within conduits of stone, brick or concrete.