Through enterprise, organization, and cooperation many Chinese became part of a prosperous, urban middle class that controlled retail trade.
While this Administration believes itself to be smarter than the market, only through free enterprise will America get back to work.
Primarily self-educated, he rose to prominence through his own effort and enterprise.
The same point is made through artistic enterprise in "Paradis."
I believe that our postwar industrialization should come about through free enterprise.
Education, arguably, could be provided through private enterprise, by the family.
For public transport and freight transport, operations are done through private enterprise or by governments.
Instrumental education was handled largely through private enterprise, until the early 20th century.
If the problems can be addressed through government policies and private enterprise, the trend is not necessarily all bad.
We cannot tolerate women being used as merchandise, because everyone should have the right to earn enough to survive through their own labour or enterprise.