A strategic narrative can be written or verbal, shown through images or diagrams.
They do this through conceptual diagrams, science communication training, development of ecological health report cards and other assessments.
Financial planner Carl Richards has been explaining the basics of money through simple graphs and diagrams.
Complex information is summarized through diagrams.
Each example is explained through diagrams and photographs, the text laid out in the form of a guidebook.
Indirect experience, through diagrams, film sequences, and similar means, helps to explain and to structure what we experience directly.
Through tableaux, diagrams and video, the exhibition illustrates the technology and scientific principles upon which the systems depend.
These are often initially identified through analysis of the techniques, diagrams, and expressions used by experts.
Alex had previously tried this technique with business students, so it was an interesting result to see the designers working through the charts and diagrams.
Ortega's multiple arms whipped through maps, charts, and diagrams while he kept up a steady stream of frustration-induced curses.