Evidence for the glaciation was found through deposits in the Sahara Desert.
An elevator, I'd read, takes you down from the hotel through the heart of the rock and deposits you in the center of town.
But it left intact their unlimited right to raise money through Government-insured deposits.
She seemed to be digging through deposits of pure gold.
This type of risk is particularly relevant for banks since their business model involves funding long-term loans through short-term deposits and other liabilities.
The interior floor of Sommerfeld is a nearly level plain that has most likely smoothed out through deposits of materials.
Participants would get their money through automatic deposits, not by attending a large gathering.
And, all play is prepaid through deposits the account holders make with the lottery, so no one can run up a big unpaid bill.
An example would be a ditch "cut" through earlier deposits.
The rest of their liabilities are raised through deposits from the general public, share capital and deferred taxation.