Through this lyricism and concern for individual experience, Proulx deals with existential pain, but differently from the early post-modernists.
Through her fear and concern, she felt a sense of pride that the boys had reacted so well.
Enjoy a quiet weekend of undisturbed tranquillity and devote your energies to thinking through current concern or a future plan.
Sveta's face quickly transitioned through surprise and concern before settling on reticence.
The Paulins Kill continues to maintain its rural character through both local concern and government policy.
Conservative Judaism holds that Orthodoxy has deviated from historical Judaism through excessive concern with recent codifications of Jewish law.
Wilson undermines his superior through casual charm and frequent concern at Mainwaring's plans, querying, "Do you really think that's wise, sir?"
He smiled a bit through his annoyance and concern.
It was through deepening concern at losing his alliance with his lady love, that George set out to rid himself of his wife.
He became interested in energy and its efficient use first through concern about Chicago's air pollution in the 1960s.