Tye talks to surviving porters and combs through biographies, oral histories and company records to present the grinding, often humiliating, realities of the job.
The Bomar Gene - an exploration of genes through fictional biographies.
Their stories are told through photographs and biographies.
Dąbrowski illustrated his theory through autobiographies of and biographies about those who have experienced positive disintegration.
Grand circuses included wrestling exhibitions, quickly enhancing them through colorful costumes and fictional biographies for entertainment, disregarding their competitive nature.
You could easily while away an afternoon here browsing through the nature books, the Northwest travel and history section, cookbooks and biographies.
She said that she did not believe she had ever seen him read a novel but that he liked to "flip through" biographies and other nonfiction.
These interests form a thread through his later novels, travel books and biographies.
Yet a look through several biographies of Samuel Goldwyn offers no hint of such a motive.