She knew that the way to his heart was through animals.
That strain of influenza virus is the first to jump from birds to humans without going through other animals.
If I was a black witch, much of it would come through animals.
Humans think through families, social encounters, metaphors and other animals etc.
As children's worlds expand, the home - through the people, animals, and objects of which it is composed - provides educational opportunities.
The first set of screenings, tomorrow and Sunday at 1 p.m., does that through animals.
But, left to our own resources, improvements in our breed must come the hard way, through survival and we will still remain wild animals.
Coded too were the ways in which we sometimes spoke to each other through animals.
It ate its way through the wagons and animals and people so quickly that they disappeared in seconds.
This meant that they would be playing through animals, commanding them or sending their directives to them by other means.