Officials from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe plan a three-day swing through the Caucasus next week.
Senator Bob Dole swore off speaking ill of his Republican opponents during a three-day swing through Iowa that ended today.
Mr. Gramm's focus on economics, evident on a three-day swing through the state that ended today, not only testifies to his own zest for the subject.
Looking ahead to his three-day swing across California, he repeated how important the state was to his campaign.
Opening a three-day swing through the Middle West today, Dukakis strategists were clearly aiming for a more approachable and personal style of campaigning.
If Mr. Edwards was distressed by that, he showed no signs of it as he arrived here Wednesday afternoon for a three-day swing through this state.
Beginning a three-day swing through the region, Mr. Dukakis gave an early preview of his Southern strategy.
Mr. Perot, in his own three-day swing through California, Colorado and Massachusetts, drew mixed responses, from the excited to the curious.
Today's appearance was the first stop on a three-day swing that will take Mr. Perot to Colorado and Massachusetts as well.
Lula allowed me to join his entourage in mid-March during a three-day swing of meetings, speeches and ribbon-cuttings.