Finally, the spike terminates through a combination of events.
It is easier now to prevent pregnancy through contraception, and to terminate it through abortion.
In December 2011, he terminated his contract with Šibenik through arbitration.
At the same time, he told himself that nothing could be more stupid than terminating his career through weakness and loss of nerve.
The party was composed of politicians landowners, merchants, and lawyers who wanted to terminate the mandate through diplomatic means rather than armed resistance.
According to another local custom, women can choose to terminate a marriage relationship through a custom called chudi pahanana, if she desires.
The government failed to officially terminate the tribe through an act of congress, but the tribe was not included on the Federally Recognized tribes list.
McBride joined the ethics committee in approving the decision to terminate the pregnancy through an induced abortion.
A triangle junction outside the station allowed trains to either terminate at Chester Northgate or pass through the city without stopping.
She merely replied with a dull roar, and I terminated her misery by a ball through the head.