He recovered from this condition temporarily but in July 2008 underwent surgery to rewire the nerve connections to his vocal cord.
He played a vital part in Surrey's run of seven consecutive championships from 1952 to 1958, particularly in 1957, when he temporarily recovered full fitness.
The Roman Empire, now ruled from Constantinople, never more than partially and temporarily recovered this area.
In 1940 Hungary allowed the German army to cross its territory and, as a reward, they temporarily recovered parts of its former lands from Romania and Yugoslavia.
Davy temporarily recovered from his illness and Thurlow believed that Kemp had cured him.
Although the Baridis temporarily recovered the province and even managed to take Baghdad a few times, Ahmad eventually took control of Khuzestan himself.
The following year Amelia temporarily recovered enough to join her family at Weymouth, where she doted upon her niece Princess Charlotte of Wales.
Garber temporarily recovered his pawn with 25 Rd4, but after 25 . . . Nd3 26 cd Rd4 27 Bd4 Rd8!
She recovered temporarily, enough to get to her feet, but the sight of Gianni's hapless shoe, still lying up-turned on the carpet, brought on another bout of helpless mirth.
Gold mining temporarily recovered after the war but by the mid-1960s, mining declined once more.