In turn, I heard numerous runners tell spectators and volunteers, "Thank you for coming out."
He told volunteers that now that they have seen first-hand what could happen, they had every right to go home.
The daughter said she eventually complained to another church leader and told fellow volunteers.
After seeing the attackers, he called the complex's main temple via intercom and told volunteers to shut the door.
Sunday morning, he told volunteers he was five points ahead in his own poll.
Dungan told volunteers to voice their views to their Congressmen or to the President.
Rebel leaders have told volunteers they will be trained in the use of weapons and tactics, presumably in Kosovo or Albania.
The series of blasts would tell volunteers where the fire was, including the street and house number.
Robert Jones, a Vietnam War veteran, told volunteers that he was a machinist for 18 years until he recently lost his job.
One State Department recruiter this week bluntly told volunteers that some of them might not make it back home.