Mr. Evans, the team captain, told "60 Minutes" that he regretted his decision to give a party with alcohol and hire strippers.
He told "60 Minutes" he considered Neverland tainted because of the police search.
"We had to have extraordinary precautions at the wedding," he told "60 Minutes."
When directly asked about Romney's statements, Obama told 60 Minutes that Romney "seems to have a tendency to shoot first and aim later."
And for a mild-mannered sweet country gal, Swift tells "60 Minutes" a few things that seem implicitly critical of her pop peers.
Zyman told 60 Minutes, "We are talking about a prodigy of the level of the greatest prodigies in history, when it comes to composition.
"I saw it in his refrigerator," Hamilton told 60 Minutes.
Tell Me a Story Fifty Years and 60 Minutes in Television.
"This woman has destroyed everything I worked for in my life," David Evans, a team captain, told "60 Minutes."
Ron told "60 Minutes" that his father treated "everybody the same way," whether you happened to be his gardener or his child.