She tells Heigl's character that they cannot legally ask her to lose weight.
You can tell a person's character when you check their groceries.
Saville was told her character and Gerald were to marry and she found the storyline too good to turn down.
It serves as a way of telling Stamp's character that he is a marked man for testifying against his friends.
She also insisted on getting in a few digs herself, she said, telling Queen Latifah's character, "My doctor does good liposuction too."
"Can you tell me something of... his character?"
It is supposed to tell a child's character or future based on the day he or she was born and to help young children remember the days of the week.
On the other side Raghav is caught again by police and taken to police station where his wife tells his real character and problem within himself.
As a young woman later tells his character, who has the too-resonant name of Hush, "Some people just have something - crackling, like a power station."