He told the investigator in the second case the same thing.
Last week, with the jury out of the room, he told lawyers in the case that there was "no chance in the world" of a death sentence.
The story is told through the medium of the original documents in the case, which Barrow critically evaluates.
But she reserved judgment and told the lawyers in the case to file briefs, the last of which are due before the end of the year.
But German state prosecutors told the judge in the case that Mr. Becker deserved the sentence for evading payment from 1991 to 1993.
Judge Smith told lawyers in the case that he had never before dismissed criminal charges without hearing from the defense.
But some details apparently remained to be resolved, and Mr. Vance told all parties in the case not to talk publicly about the matter.
But suppose the Magellan pictures tell us, as in the case of Mars, that there once was significant water on Venus.
"It doesn't look like a case that's worth any more than that to me," she told thelawyers in the case.
The foster families had to be told that the children were Jewish, so that they could take appropriate precautions, especially in the case of boys.