Equating the price of mugs with that of crack is one particularly telling example.
Crossroads is a particularly telling example of the human realities of apartheid.
Dr. Ellis provides an especially telling example.
But I am astonished that in his diligent search he did not come up with the most glaringly telling example of all juxtaposing definitions: those for Democracy .
One telling example: House Speaker Newt Gingrich was appalled at the cost of James Ingo Freed's trade center.
One telling example of the change in German thinking is the national anthem sung in West Germany.
"Becoming Peter Pan" is an especially telling example of the practice: in the movie, homosexuality is portrayed as an alternate universe - literally Never-Never Land.
One telling example of this occurred in 2005, when Ruth Kelly was made Education Secretary.
As one telling example, Ford decided to move Lincoln and Mercury sales and marketing staff to the company's Irvine, California, campus in July 1998.
Cambridge philosopher John Platt illustrates this progressive acceleration with one telling example--life's ability to encapsulate itself.