"I didn't get to Len for some reason," Driesell told a conference on drug abuse in sports at the University of Rhode Island last week.
The former defence minister told an audience at the University of Toronto:
Recently, Stern told students at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School that sometimes in a negotiation, you can go so far and no more.
Mr. Maliki told an audience at the University of Baghdad that he would bring the kidnappers to justice.
Patiently she repeated what she had told the physicians at the University of Borrata.
"Let me be clear," he told students at the University of New Hampshire.
He told students at the University of Cape Town that it may seem futile to challenge the world's "misery and ignorance, injustice and violence."
Justice Blackmun, 79, told a class of first-year law students at the University of Arkansas.
Staring down Federal officials, he told every black American that he or she was not welcome at the University of Alabama.
But when they were older, she told them about a signature-gathering expedition at the University of Arizona, where one student refused to sign.