Barrie told the boys after her death that she had been engaged to him, but Jack and Peter later expressed scepticism of this report.
In fact, she told nobody until many years later, after her mother's death, when she confided in Louise.
It is the story of Nicholas, a pathologically narcissistic homosexual, told by his older brother after Nicholas's death.
Finally she told him of her approach, after Jake's death, to Walter Hoggin.
Instead, she tells of visiting her mother at work soon after her father's death: "There was a courtyard where there were some urinals.
He told the press in December 1994, after Schneerson's death:
The Golden Hour tells the story of Rowan and Nina's adventures the summer after their mother's death.
Eastman's brother-in-law told the medical examiner after Monk's death that the gangster was "not a Hebrew."
Chapter 28 tells of the distribution of the Buddha's relics after his death.
What was it that Nikki wanted to tell her about her brother, now, a dozen years after his death?