Starr tells Blair that she wants to have the baby but not take care of it.
Nate gets into a fight with Chuck over the whole thing, then tells Blair he wants nothing to do with her.
Todd tells Blair he blames her because she didn't try to find him while he fought to get back to her and their children.
There was a point at which he told Blair they seemed to be running things like a shadow cabinet.
Chuck's storyline throughout season 2 mainly deals with his inability to tell Blair that he loves her.
He then forces Chuck to tell Blair what happened between him and Jenny.
She told Blair about it and Max subsequently left Skye.
Many viewers told Blair they felt the casting was good because they look alike.
Clay then tells Blair he is going back east and wants her to go with him, to which she agrees.
With Blair desperate, he tells Blair that she should take a risk and say those "3 words, 8 letters" anyway.