Making contact with the pod, Superman receives a telepathic transmission of a city that survived the destruction of its planet, and is now running out of resources.
Yet this was the weakling offspring, whose share of my legacy may have been too insignificant to permit telepathic transmission.
At any rate, there is not the faintest evidence in support of it; and I have yet to see even moderately convincing evidence for telepathic transmission on this planet.
Sdan knows mental techniques to avoid letting telepathic transmissions disorient people.
"Can the ship's computer detect the Konor's telepathic transmissions?"
He hesitated, wondering if CCC-IRU 247 might possibly be able to intercept telepathic transmissions,then let himself hear her.
Where had the telepathic transmission come from?
He backed away from her, as shocked as she was by the unexpected telepathic transmissions on his intimate mode.
Also, Kirk was not sure if the physiology of the Kh@fflict brain permitted telepathic transmission.
Squirreled away in the usually standard copyright notice are tongue-in-cheek warnings against all sorts of reproductions, including lip-synching and telepathic transmissions.