Nino feinted, then swung savagely for the man's ribs.
Before Blade could strike again the Wolf raised his mace and swung savagely.
Their pals swung savagely to meet the flank fire.
From their midst a blood-stained figure rose up again, still savagely swinging his sword.
It swung savagely and the blow shivered the teeth in his skull.
He swung savagely at the bartender, who dodged easily and laughed while four men shoved Yeamon into the car.
The gangsters looked up, swinging savagely to meet what they took for an enemy's fire.
He swung savagely from Creswold's car to aim with his revolver.
Gramp swung on him savagely; a steel-sheathed fist lifted menacingly.
A gun swung savagely at Alan's head and landed a glancing stroke that staggered him.