Two of them were still fastened to his belt; he swung loosely against the control ring.
Ed sat back down, his head swinging loosely from side to side.
She got up, dragged her feet to a table, her arms swinging loosely, and took a cigarette.
The gate still swung loosely on its hinges, so he knew he wasn't far behind.
Arms hang from shoulders and swing loosely, then whip about purposefully.
And with his powerful fists he began pounding against the panels of the door which swung loosely under the heavy blows.
Elder was staggering toward him, crouched over, his hands swinging loosely.
Her long, dark hair swung loosely over her shoulders.
The caravan door was swinging loosely in the slight breeze.
Craig walked out into the sunlight, unhurriedly, hands swinging loosely at his sides.