Sweating beneath his godspeaker robe, Vortka escaped the high godspeaker's impotent fury.
The black footman who answered the governor's knock wore livery and sweated beneath a white periwig.
Tanis began to sweat beneath his armor.
The labourers sweated beneath their heavy protective clothing, in a scene like the bizarre setting for some science-fiction film.
I sat back and watched the spectacular fire bursts against blank black sky while the ground sweated beneath me.
He was starting to sweat beneath his insulating suit.
The cold air seared his lungs, while the rest of him sweated beneath the parka.
Verminaard began to sweat beneath the dragonmask.
His hand sweated beneath the leather of his flying glove.
For a moment the young man said nothing; he had begun to sweat beneath his superior's intense gaze and questioning.